2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

115 lines
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function Get-ChocolateyServices {
Returns Service Objects for Services Running out of the Chocolatey Path. By default it does not return disabled services. Defaults to running against the current machine.
Returns Service Objects for Services Running out of the Chocolatey Path. By default it does not return disabled services but can be overridden by using the -includeDisabled switch. Defaults to running against the local machine but can be overridden by passing the RemoteServer parameter.
.PARAMETER IncludeDisabled
[switch] When supplied, the function returns disabled services in the output
.PARAMETER RemoteServer
[string When supplied executes against a single remote machine. Defaults to localhost
[Get-ChocolateyServices] : Finding services installed out of the chocolatey path: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey
[Get-ChocolateyServices] : Found 4 chocolatey services.
ProcessId Name StartMode State Status ExitCode
--------- ---- --------- ----- ------ --------
0 Alkami.Services.Subscriptions.Host Auto Stopped OK 0
0 Alkami.MicroServices.AccountBalanceSync1.Processor.Host Auto Stopped OK 0
0 Alkami.MicroServices.AccountBalanceSync2.Processor.Host Auto Stopped OK 0
0 Alkami.MicroServices.Accounts.Service.Host Auto Stopped OK 0
Get-ChocolateyServices -IncludeDisabled
[Get-ChocolateyServices] : Finding services installed out of the chocolatey path: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey
[Get-ChocolateyServices] : Found 5 chocolatey services.
ProcessId Name StartMode State Status ExitCode
--------- ---- --------- ----- ------ --------
0 Alkami.Services.Subscriptions.Host Auto Stopped OK 0
0 Alkami.MicroServices.AccountBalanceSync1.Processor.Host Auto Stopped OK 0
0 Alkami.MicroServices.AccountBalanceSync2.Processor.Host Auto Stopped OK 0
0 Alkami.MicroServices.Accounts.Service.Host Auto Stopped OK 0
0 Alkami.MicroServices.AchTemplates.Service.Host Disabled Stopped OK 0
#defaults to local computer if not specified
[string]$RemoteServer = "localhost"
$logLead = (Get-LogLeadName)
$chocoInstallPath = (Get-ChocolateyInstallPath)
Write-Host "$loglead : Finding services installed out of the chocolatey path: $chocoInstallPath"
$chocoPathFilter = $chocoInstallPath.Replace("\", "\\")
$disabledFilter = if ($IncludeDisabled.IsPresent) {
} else {
"AND StartMode <> 'Disabled'"
$isLocal = Compare-StringToLocalMachineIdentifiers $RemoteServer
$cimFilter = "PathName LIKE '%$chocoPathFilter%' $disabledFilter"
Write-Verbose "$logLead : Using CIMInstance Filter: $cimFilter"
# Including ComputerName in this call adds ~2.5s -- even to localhost. Don't change this
if ($isLocal) {
[array]$services = Get-CIMInstance win32_service -Filter $cimFilter
} else {
[array]$services = Get-CIMInstance win32_service -ComputerName $RemoteServer -Filter $cimFilter
# Sort subscription service to the front just in case this list is being used to start services.
$subscriptionServiceName = "Alkami.Services.Subscriptions.Host"
$subscriptionService = $services | Where-Object { $_.Name -like $subscriptionServiceName }
$updatedList = @($subscriptionService)
$updatedList += ($services | Where-Object { $_.Name -notlike $subscriptionServiceName })
[array]$services = $updatedList
if (Test-IsCollectionNullOrEmpty $services) {
Write-Warning "$logLead : No Chocolatey Services Found in: $chocoInstallPath"
return $null
# Write-Warning for each Service With No Files on Disk
foreach ($service in $services) {
if ($service.PathName -match '"') {
$path = $service.PathName.split('"')[1]
} else {
$path = $service.PathName
if(!(Test-Path $path)) {
Write-Warning "Service $($service.Name) has nonexistent file path `"$path`". Was it improperly uninstalled? Delete this service!"
if (!(Test-IsCollectionNullOrEmpty $services)) {
Write-Host "$loglead : Found $($services.count) chocolatey services."
return $services