2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

62 lines
2.4 KiB

function Start-ServicesOnly {
Starts any stopped Alkami Windows services, both Chocolatey based and Legacy
Starts any stopped Alkami Windows services, both Chocolatey based and Legacy. Maximum parallelism can be controlled with the maxParallel parameter
.PARAMETER maxParallel
Can be an int value from 1 to [int]::MaxValue. Limits service start parallelism
[Get-ChocolateyServices] : Finding services installed out of the chocolatey path: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey
[Get-ChocolateyServices] : Found 4 chocolatey services.
[Get-ChocolateyServicesToStart] : Found 4 Chocolatey Services
[Start-ServicesChocolateyOnly] : Starting 2 Services in Tier 0
[Start-ServicesInParallel] : Starting Service Alkami.Services.Subscriptions.Host
[Start-ServicesInParallel] : Starting Service Alkami.MicroServices.Broker.Host
[Start-ServicesInParallel] : Done Starting Services
[Start-ServicesChocolateyOnly] : Tier 0 took 00:00:10.2552499 to start
[Start-ServicesChocolateyOnly] : Starting 1 Services in Tier 1
[Start-ServicesInParallel] : Starting Service Alkami.MicroServices.Authorization.Service.Host
[Start-ServicesInParallel] : Done Starting Services
[Start-ServicesChocolateyOnly] : Tier 1 took 00:00:14.4166193 to start
[Start-ServicesChocolateyOnly] : Starting 1 Services in Tier 2
[Start-ServicesInParallel] : Starting Service Alkami.MicroServices.Features.Beacon.Host
[Start-ServicesInParallel] : Done Starting Services
[Start-ServicesChocolateyOnly] : Tier 2 took 00:00:13.5352469 to start
[Start-ServicesChocolateyOnly] : Done starting services.
[Start-ServicesInParallel] : Starting Service Alkami Radium Scheduler Service
[Start-ServicesInParallel] : Starting Service Filebeat (Haystack)
[Start-ServicesInParallel] : Done Starting Services
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)]
[int]$maxParallel = 10
$loglead = Get-LogLeadName
Start-ServicesChocolateyOnly -maxParallel $maxParallel
[array]$services = Get-ServicesToStart -SkipChocolateyServices
if (Test-IsCollectionNullOrEmpty -Collection $services) {
Write-Warning "$logLead : No Legacy Services Found to Start"
Start-ServicesInParallel -ServiceNamestoStart $services -MaxParallel $maxParallel