2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

105 lines
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function Get-BadPackages {
Determine if some packages are on the wrong servers. Utilized by Classify-Packages.
.PARAMETER DebugMetadata
Meta object used to determine what goes where.
.PARAMETER PackageMetadata
Packages object to populate.
# Produce a list of bad packages on the wrong servers, to be uninstalled.
if (!(Test-IsCollectionNullOrEmpty $DebugMetadata.WebServerPackages)) {
$packages = @()
foreach($package in $DebugMetadata.WebServerPackages) {
if($null -ne $package) {
## if the package was found on the web server but it wasn't supposed to be on the web, remove it
$packageNameLower = $package.Name.ToLower()
$foundPackage = $DebugMetadata.ClassifiedPackagesMap.$packageNameLower
if (($null -ne $foundPackage) -and (!$foundPackage.InstallToWeb)) {
$packages += $foundPackage
$packageMetadata.HasBadPackages = $true
Add-Member -InputObject $_ -NotePropertyName "ActionType" -NotePropertyValue "Uninstall" -Force
Add-Member -InputObject $_ -NotePropertyName "ActionReason" -NotePropertyValue "Wrong_Host_Type" -Force
$PackageMetadata.BadWebPackagesToUninstall = $packages
if (!(Test-IsCollectionNullOrEmpty $DebugMetadata.AppServerPackages)) {
$packages = @()
foreach ($package in $DebugMetadata.AppServerPackages) {
if ($null -ne $package) {
## if the package was found on the app server but it wasn't supposed to be on the app, remove it
$packageNameLower = $package.Name.ToLower()
$foundPackage = $DebugMetadata.ClassifiedPackagesMap.$packageNameLower
if (($null -ne $foundPackage) -and (!$foundPackage.InstallToApp)) {
$packages += $foundPackage
$PackageMetadata.HasBadPackages = $true
Add-Member -InputObject $_ -NotePropertyName "ActionType" -NotePropertyValue "Uninstall" -Force
Add-Member -InputObject $_ -NotePropertyName "ActionReason" -NotePropertyValue "Wrong_Host_Type" -Force
$PackageMetadata.BadAppPackagesToUninstall = $packages
if (!(Test-IsCollectionNullOrEmpty $DebugMetadata.MicServerPackages)) {
$packages = @()
foreach($package in $DebugMetadata.MicServerPackages) {
if ($null -ne $package) {
## if the package was found on the mic server but it wasn't supposed to be on the mic, remove it
$packageNameLower = $package.Name.ToLower()
$foundPackage = $DebugMetadata.ClassifiedPackagesMap.$packageNameLower
if (($null -ne $foundPackage) -and (!$foundPackage.InstallToMic)) {
$packages += $foundPackage
$PackageMetadata.HasBadPackages = $true
Add-Member -InputObject $_ -NotePropertyName "ActionType" -NotePropertyValue "Uninstall" -Force
Add-Member -InputObject $_ -NotePropertyName "ActionReason" -NotePropertyValue "Wrong_Host_Type" -Force
$PackageMetadata.BadMicPackagesToUninstall = $packages
if (!(Test-IsCollectionNullOrEmpty $DebugMetadata.FabServerPackages)) {
$packages = @()
foreach ($package in $DebugMetadata.FabServerPackages) {
if ($null -ne $package) {
## if the package was found on the fab server but it wasn't supposed to be on the fab, remove it
$packageNameLower = $package.Name.ToLower()
$foundPackage = $DebugMetadata.ClassifiedPackagesMap.$packageNameLower
if (($null -ne $foundPackage) -and (!$foundPackage.InstallToFab)) {
$packages += $foundPackage
$PackageMetadata.HasBadPackages = $true
Add-Member -InputObject $_ -NotePropertyName "ActionType" -NotePropertyValue "Uninstall" -Force
Add-Member -InputObject $_ -NotePropertyName "ActionReason" -NotePropertyValue "Wrong_Host_Type" -Force
$PackageMetadata.BadFabPackagesToUninstall = $packages
# Combine the mic/fab uninstalls into mics only. Mics/Fabs are mutually exclusive in the eyes of the deploy, might as well use one var.
$PackageMetadata.BadMicPackagesToUninstall = (Select-UniqueServerPackages @($PackageMetadata.BadMicPackagesToUninstall, $PackageMetadata.BadFabPackagesToUninstall))
$PackageMetadata.BadFabPackagesToUninstall = @()
# NOTE: The bad packages lists are added to the web/app/mic uninstall lists below, where the mic uninstalls are separate from the app installs.
return $PackageMetadata