2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

114 lines
4.2 KiB

function Set-BeaconFeatureSettings{
Sets the Beacon/Feature settings in machine config.
Removes current beacon settings in configuration.appSettings
and adds in the given settings.
.PARAMETER EnvironmentName
String, the environment name with which to set the beacon settings.
.PARAMETER EnvironmentType
String, the environment type with which to set the beacon settings.
.PARAMETER EnvironmentHosting
String, the hosting environment with which to set the beacon settings.
.PARAMETER EnvironmentServer
String, the server environment with which to set the beacon settings.
.PARAMETER use64bit
Boolean, passed to Get-DotNetConfigPath - if set to true, will return the filepath
of the 64 bit machine config file.
Set-BeaconFeatureSettings -EnvironmentName "Lane B" -EnvironmentType Build -EnvironmentHosting Aws -EnvironmentServer Nag
Base usage, will set the beacon settings in configuration.appSettigns of the machineConfig file to
<add key="Environment.Name" value="Lane B" />
<add key="Environment.Type" value="Build" />
<add key="Environment.Hosting" value="Aws" />
<add key="Environment.Server" value="Nag" />
[Alias("Name", "Lane", "Pod")]
[bool]$use64Bit = $True
$logLead = (Get-LogLeadName);
Write-Verbose "$logLead Getting Maching.Config path, use64Bit set to $use64Bit"
$machineConfigPath = Get-DotNetConfigPath -use64Bit $use64Bit
if(!$machineConfigPath){throw "Machine config path could not be found"}
Write-Verbose "$logLead Reading machine config file located at $machineConfigPath"
$machineConfig = Read-XMLFile $machineConfigPath
if(!$machineConfig){throw "Machine config at $machineConfigPath could not be converted to xml"}
Write-Verbose "$logLead Constructing redis xml string"
$BeaconSettingsXmlString = @"
<add key="Environment.Name" value="$EnvironmentName" />
<add key="Environment.Type" value="$EnvironmentType" />
<add key="Environment.Hosting" value="$EnvironmentHosting" />
<add key="Environment.Server" value="$EnvironmentServer" />
Write-Verbose "$logLead Ensuring configuration and appSetting nodes exist"
[void]$machineConfig.AppendChild($machineConfig.CreateNode("element","configuration", $null))
Write-Verbose "$logLead Initializing new beacon settings doc"
$BeaconSettingsXmlDoc = [xml]($BeaconSettingsXmlString)
Write-Verbose "$logLead Removing current beacon settings"
$appSettings = $machineConfig.configuration.SelectSingleNode("appSettings")
if($appSettings.SelectNodes("add").count -gt 0){
$CurrentBeaconSettings = $appSettings.add | Where-Object {$BeaconSettingsXmlDoc.beaconSettings.add.key.Contains($_.key)}
$CurrentBeaconSettings | ForEach-Object {[void]$appSettings.RemoveChild($_)}
Write-Verbose "$logLead Setting new beacon settings"
$BeaconNode = $machineConfig.ImportNode($BeaconSettingsXmlDoc.FirstChild, $true)
$BeaconNode.add | ForEach-Object {[void]$appSettings.AppendChild($_)}
Write-Verbose "$logLead Saving machine config to path $machineConfigPath"
#region Private Functions