2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

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function Get-ReportUserCredentialsFromSecretServer () {
Gets the username and password of a report user secret from Secret Server.
.PARAMETER secretUserName
Username of the user to authenticate with on Secret Server.
.PARAMETER secretPassword
Password of the user to authenticate with on Secret Server.
.PARAMETER environmentName
The environment name of the report user to retrieve (e.g. "12")
.PARAMETER environmentType
The environment type of the report user to retrieve (e.g. "Production")
Either an object containing the username and password of the reports user or null.
Get-ReportUserCredentialsFromSecretServer -secretUserName "BobBarker" -secretPassword "PIR123!" -environmentName "12" -environmentType "Production"
Password Username
-------- --------
ExamplePwd ExampleUser
$loglead = (Get-LogLeadName)
# Note: If the bootstrap scripts are modified to pass in a credential object, this won't be necessary.
$secretCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ( $secretUserName , (Get-SecureString $secretPassword))
$folderName = "ReportUsers"
$result = $null
# Determine the name of the secret based on environment type.
# Only production (for now) has separate secrets per-environment.
$secretName = $null
if($environmentType -eq "Production") {
# Extract the major pod from the name.
$dotSearch = $environmentName.IndexOf(".")
if($dotSearch -ge 0) {
$environmentName = $environmentName.Substring(0, $dotSearch)
$secretName = "$environmentType-$environmentName-ReportUser"
} else {
$secretName = "$environmentType-ReportUser"
Write-Verbose "$loglead : Searching for secret '$secretName' in folder '$folderName'"
$resultCredential = ( Get-UserCredentialsFromSecretServer $secretCredential $folderName $secretName )
# Note: If the bootstrap scripts are modified to accept credential results, this won't be necessary.
if ( $null -ne $resultCredential ) {
$result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
'Username' = $resultCredential.UserName
'Password' = (Get-PasswordFromCredential $resultCredential)
return $result