2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

792 lines
34 KiB

. $PSScriptRoot\..\..\Load-PesterModules.ps1
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.tests\.', '.'
$functionPath = Join-Path -Path $here -ChildPath $sut
Write-Host "Overriding SUT: $functionPath"
Import-Module $functionPath -Force
$moduleForMock = ""
. $PSScriptRoot\..\TestFiles\Write-OrderedJson.ps1
Describe "Get-PackageMetadata for legacy" {
# Global Mocks
Mock -CommandName Write-Host -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {}
Mock -CommandName Write-Warning -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {}
Mock -CommandName Get-MigrationRunnerExe -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {
return "C:\temp\FakeMigrationRunner.exe"
Mock Get-PackageNuspecXmlV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock {
param($Package, $Credential)
$name = $Package.Name
return (New-Object PSObject -Property @{ package = @{ metadata = @{ id = $name } } })
# this long magic string is a barebones package folder with no useful contents. Just the basic nuget structure and a choco install file set
Mock Get-PackageFileListV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith { return (ConvertFrom-Json '[{"fullPath":"package/services/metadata/core-properties/","parentFullPath":"package/services/metadata/","name":"core-properties","isDirectory":true},{"fullPath":"package/services/metadata/","parentFullPath":"package/services/","name":"metadata","isDirectory":true},{"fullPath":"package/services/","parentFullPath":"package/","name":"services","isDirectory":true},{"fullPath":"package/","parentFullPath":"/","name":"package","isDirectory":true},{"fullPath":"package/services/metadata/core-properties/629d5521ad934906a0d3c36051d35320.psmdcp","parentFullPath":"package/services/metadata/core-properties/","name":"629d5521ad934906a0d3c36051d35320.psmdcp","isDirectory":false},{"fullPath":"lib/net472/","parentFullPath":"lib/","name":"net472","isDirectory":true},{"fullPath":"lib/","parentFullPath":"/","name":"lib","isDirectory":true},{"fullPath":"_rels/","parentFullPath":"/","name":"_rels","isDirectory":true},{"fullPath":"_rels/.rels","parentFullPath":"_rels/","name":".rels","isDirectory":false},{"fullPath":"tools/","parentFullPath":"/","name":"tools","isDirectory":true},{"fullPath":"tools/chocolateyInstall.ps1","parentFullPath":"tools/","name":"chocolateyInstall.ps1","isDirectory":false},{"fullPath":"tools/chocolateyUninstall.ps1","parentFullPath":"tools/","name":"chocolateyUninstall.ps1","isDirectory":false},{"fullPath":"[Content_Types].xml","parentFullPath":"/","name":"[Content_Types].xml","isDirectory":false}]')}
Mock -CommandName Get-PackageFileV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {}
# Define fake PSCredential user.
$fakeCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('AlkamiFakeUser', (Get-SecureString 'abc123'))
# Define a good testable spread of packages.
# This is the list of packages that will be built based on the json files in \TestFiles\PackageObjects
# If you add a new package to the list, you need a new object there. See \TestFiles\ for additional details.
$packageText = @"
# Installers
Alkami.MicroServices.Choco.Installer.Database 2.4.6
Alkami.MicroServices.Choco.Installer.Logic 2.4.6
Alkami.MicroServices.Choco.Installer.MasterDatabase 2.4.6
Alkami.Installer.Provider 3.0.6
Alkami.Installer.WebExtension 3.0.1
Alkami.Installer.Widget 3.0.2
# Infrastructure
Alkami.MicroServices.Broker.Host 2.8.1
Alkami.Services.Subscriptions.Host 3.9.0
# Providers
Alkami.App.Nag.Providers 1.1.4
Alkami.App.Processor.Wire.FedwireOutput 1.6.0
Alkami.App.Providers.CheckImaging.CorporateOne 1.0.1
Alkami.App.Providers.Multiplexer.Client 1.0.4
Alkami.App.Providers.Radium.BillPay 1.1.0
# Tier 1 Microservices
Alkami.MicroServices.Forms.Service.Host 1.1.1
Alkami.MicroServices.Authorization.Service.Host 1.4.3
Alkami.MicroServices.Security.Service.Host 2.17.2
Alkami.MicroServices.UserInterface.Service.Host 1.17.0
Alkami.MicroServices.Audit.Service.Host 6.11.0
Alkami.MicroServices.Contacts.Service.Host 2.4.8
Alkami.MicroServices.Holidays.Service.Host 2.1.12
Alkami.MicroServices.Images.Service.Host 3.1.14
Alkami.MicroServices.Notifications.Service.Host 1.6.12
Alkami.MicroServices.Settings.Service.Host 4.4.0
Alkami.MicroServices.SiteText.Service.Host 1.1.17
Alkami.MicroServices.Transactions.Service.Host 1.7.1
Alkami.MicroServices.EventManagement.Service.Host 3.4.9
# Tier 2 Microservices
Alkami.MicroServices.QuickApply.Service.Host 9.0.0
Alkami.MicroServices.Registration.Service.Host 2.5.1
Alkami.MicroServices.RemoteDeposit.Service.Host 2.4.1
Alkami.MicroServices.CardManagementProviders.SymConnect.Host 3.7.1
# Powershell Modules
Alkami.Ops.Common 3.0.3
Alkami.PowerShell.Choco 3.5.4
Alkami.PowerShell.Common 3.2.6
DS.AccountService.MS.Service.Host 1.0.9
DS.BranchService.MS.Service.Host 1.0.10
DS.CMN.MS.Service.Host 1.0.8
DS.CopyRequestService.MS.Host 1.0.1
DS.CoreService.MS.Service.Host 2.0.5
DS.EStatements.MS.Service.Host 1.0.7
DS.MarketingEmailService.MS.Host 1.0.7
DS.MicroService.ContentService.Service.Host 2.0.4
DS.SecureMessage.MS.Service.Host 1.0.10
DS.Settings.MS.Service.Host 1.0.8
DS.SkipAPayService.MS.Host 1.0.8
# Symitar
Alkami.MicroServices.AutoBiller.Symitar.Service.Host 2.1.4
Alkami.MicroServices.RDCoreDeposit.Symitar.Service.Host 1.1.3
Alkami.MicroServices.SymConnectMultiplexer.Service.Host 2.1.2
Alkami.Providers.FakeSymitarProvider 1.2.3
# Strip out the comment lines and parse the packages out into package objects.
$packageText = ($packageText -split "`r`n") | Where-Object { $_ -notlike "*#*"}
$packages = Format-ParseChocoPackages -text $packageText -delimiter " "
# Attach fake source feeds onto each package, since we don't want to run this test against real nuget feeds.
foreach($package in $packages)
$feedMap = @{
Source = ""
IsSdk = $package.Name -like "DS.*" # Mark the desert schools packages as SDK.
$package.Feed = New-Object PSObject -Property $feedMap
$package.Version = "1.2.3"
# Run classification function on all of the packages.
$nonFabPackageData = $packages | ForEach-Object { Get-PackageMetadataV2 -Package $_ -NugetCredential $fakeCredential }
Context "Package Classification" {
It "Determines Microservices to be Upgrade Only" {
$nonUpgradeMicroservices = $nonFabPackageData | Where-Object { $_.IsMicroservice -and (!$_.Upgrade) }
$nonUpgradeMicroservices.Count | Should -be 0
It "Determines Non-Microservice Upgrade-Only Packages to be Upgrade Only" {
# Make sure that all of the Test-IsPackageUpgradeOnly positive packages come out with "Upgrade == $true"
$upgradeOnlyPackages = $nonFabPackageData | Where-Object { (!$_.IsMicroservice) -and (Test-IsPackageUpgradeOnlyV2 -Package $_) }
$badUpgradePackages = $upgradeOnlyPackages | Where-Object { $_.Upgrade -ne $true }
$badUpgradePackages | Should -be $null
It "Determines Infrastructure Packages to be Infrastructure Packages" {
$badInfraPackages = $nonFabPackageData | Where-Object { (Test-IsPackageInfrastructureMicroserviceV2 -Package $_) -and (!$_.IsInfrastructure) }
$badInfraPackages | Should -be $null
It "Determines Installer Packages to be Installer Packages" {
$badInstallerPackages = $nonFabPackageData | Where-Object { (Test-IsPackageInstallerV2 -Package $_) -and (!$_.IsInstaller) }
$badInstallerPackages | Should -be $null
It "Determines Installer Packages to be Upgrade Only" {
$nonUpgradeInstallers = $nonFabPackageData | Where-Object { (Test-IsPackageInstallerV2 -Package $_) -and (!$_.Upgrade) }
$nonUpgradeInstallers.Count | Should -be 0
It "Determines Microservice Packages to be Microservice Packages" {
$badMicroPackages = $nonFabPackageData | Where-Object { (Test-IsPackageMicroserviceV2 -NuspecXmlObject $null -Package $_) -and (!$_.IsMicroservice) }
$badMicroPackages = $badMicroPackages | Where-Object { !$_.IsSdk } # Consequence of how the sdk packages are determined in these tests.
$badMicroPackages | Should -be $null
It "Determines Database Packages to be Database Packages" {
$badDbmsPackages = $nonFabPackageData | Where-Object { (Test-IsPackageDbmsV2 -NuspecXmlObject $null) -and (!$_.IsDbms) }
$badDbmsPackages | Should -be $null
It "Determines SDK Packages to be SDK Packages" {
$badSdkPackages = $nonFabPackageData | Where-Object { ($_.Feed.IsSDK) -and (!$_.IsSDK) }
$badSdkPackages | Should -be $null
Describe "Get-PackageMetadata with Manifests" {
# Global Mocks
Mock -CommandName Write-Host -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {}
Mock -CommandName Write-Warning -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {}
Mock -CommandName Get-MigrationRunnerExe -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {
return "C:\temp\FakeMigrationRunner.exe"
# Define fake PSCredential user.
$fakeCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('AlkamiFakeUser', (Get-SecureString 'abc123'))
Mock Get-PackageNuspecXmlV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock {
param($Package, $Credential)
$name = $Package.Name
return (New-Object PSObject -Property @{ package = @{ metadata = @{ id = $name } } })
# this long magic string is a barebones package folder with no useful contents. Just the basic nuget structure and a choco install file set
Mock Get-PackageFileListV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith { return (ConvertFrom-Json '[{"fullPath":"/AlkamiManifest.xml","parentFullPath":"/","name":"AlkamiManifest.xml","isDirectory":false},{"fullPath":"package/services/metadata/core-properties/","parentFullPath":"package/services/metadata/","name":"core-properties","isDirectory":true},{"fullPath":"package/services/metadata/","parentFullPath":"package/services/","name":"metadata","isDirectory":true},{"fullPath":"package/services/","parentFullPath":"package/","name":"services","isDirectory":true},{"fullPath":"package/","parentFullPath":"/","name":"package","isDirectory":true},{"fullPath":"package/services/metadata/core-properties/629d5521ad934906a0d3c36051d35320.psmdcp","parentFullPath":"package/services/metadata/core-properties/","name":"629d5521ad934906a0d3c36051d35320.psmdcp","isDirectory":false},{"fullPath":"lib/net472/","parentFullPath":"lib/","name":"net472","isDirectory":true},{"fullPath":"lib/","parentFullPath":"/","name":"lib","isDirectory":true},{"fullPath":"_rels/","parentFullPath":"/","name":"_rels","isDirectory":true},{"fullPath":"_rels/.rels","parentFullPath":"_rels/","name":".rels","isDirectory":false},{"fullPath":"tools/","parentFullPath":"/","name":"tools","isDirectory":true},{"fullPath":"tools/chocolateyInstall.ps1","parentFullPath":"tools/","name":"chocolateyInstall.ps1","isDirectory":false},{"fullPath":"tools/chocolateyUninstall.ps1","parentFullPath":"tools/","name":"chocolateyUninstall.ps1","isDirectory":false},{"fullPath":"[Content_Types].xml","parentFullPath":"/","name":"[Content_Types].xml","isDirectory":false}]')}
Mock -CommandName Get-PackageFileV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {}
Context "Is a service" {
$package = @{
Feed = @{
Source = ""
IsSdk = $false
Name = 'StickyService'
Version = '999.999.999'
Mock -CommandName Get-PackageAlkamiManifestV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {
return @{
general = @{
element = 'StickyService'
componentType = 'Service'
serviceManifest = @{
runtime = 'framework'
Mock -CommandName Get-ValidatedRuntimeParameter -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {return "framework"}
Mock -CommandName Test-ServiceManifestRequiresDbAccess -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {$false}
$classifiedPackage = Get-PackageMetadataV2 -Package $package -NugetCredential $fakeCredential -MicroserviceTierPresent
It "Is not going to web tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToWebTier | Should -BeFalse
It "Is not going to app tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToAppTier | Should -BeFalse
It "Is going to mic tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToMicTier | Should -BeTrue
It "Is classified 'HasAlkamiManifest'" {
$classifiedPackage.HasAlkamiManifest | Should -BeTrue
It "Is classified 'IsMicroservice'" {
$classifiedPackage.IsMicroservice | Should -BeTrue
It "Is not a dbms service" {
# because our fake service doesn't have a serviceManifest definition, much less declares that it needs dbms access
$classifiedPackage.IsDbms | Should -BeFalse
It "Is not IsSDK" {
$classifiedPackage.IsSDK | Should -BeFalse
Context "Is a service with migrations" {
$package = @{
Feed = @{
Source = ""
IsSdk = $true
Name = 'StickyService'
Version = '999.999.999'
Mock -CommandName Get-PackageAlkamiManifestV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {
return @{
general = @{
element = 'StickyService'
componentType = 'Service'
serviceManifest = @{
runtime = 'framework'
db_role = "totally_fake_role"
Mock -CommandName Get-ValidatedRuntimeParameter -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {return "framework"}
Mock -CommandName Test-ServiceManifestRequiresDbAccess -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {$true}
$classifiedPackage = Get-PackageMetadataV2 -Package $package -NugetCredential $fakeCredential -MicroserviceTierPresent
It "Is not going to web tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToWebTier | Should -BeFalse
It "Is not going to app tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToAppTier | Should -BeFalse
It "Is going to mic tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToMicTier | Should -BeTrue
It "Is classified 'HasAlkamiManifest'" {
$classifiedPackage.HasAlkamiManifest | Should -BeTrue
It "Is classified 'IsMicroservice'" {
$classifiedPackage.IsMicroservice | Should -BeTrue
It "Is a dbms service" {
# because our fake service doesn't have a serviceManifest definition, much less declares that it needs dbms access
$classifiedPackage.IsDbms | Should -BeTrue
It "Is IsSDK" {
$classifiedPackage.IsSDK | Should -BeTrue
Context "Is a legacy WebApplication" {
$package = @{
Feed = @{
Source = ""
IsSdk = $false
Name = 'StickyWebApplication'
Version = '999.999.999'
Mock -CommandName Get-PackageAlkamiManifestV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith { return @{ general = @{ element = 'StickyWebApplication'; componentType = 'WebApplication'}; webApplicationManifest = @{ appInstall = "Legacy" } } }
$classifiedPackage = Get-PackageMetadataV2 -Package $package -NugetCredential $fakeCredential -MicroserviceTierPresent
It "Is not going to web tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToWebTier | Should -BeFalse
It "Is going to app tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToAppTier | Should -BeTrue
It "Is not going to mic tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToMicTier | Should -BeFalse
It "Is classified 'HasAlkamiManifest'" {
$classifiedPackage.HasAlkamiManifest | Should -BeTrue
It "Is not classified 'IsMicroservice'" {
$classifiedPackage.IsMicroservice | Should -BeFalse
It "Is not a dbms service" {
# because our fake service doesn't have a serviceManifest definition, much less declares that it needs dbms access
$classifiedPackage.IsDbms | Should -BeFalse
It "Is not IsSDK" {
$classifiedPackage.IsSDK | Should -BeFalse
Context "Is a web tier WebApplication" {
$package = @{
Feed = @{
Source = ""
IsSdk = $false
Name = 'StickyWebApplication'
Version = '999.999.999'
Mock -CommandName Get-PackageAlkamiManifestV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith { return @{ general = @{ element = 'StickyWebApplication'; componentType = 'WebApplication'}; webApplicationManifest = @{ appInstall = "Generic" } } }
$classifiedPackage = Get-PackageMetadataV2 -Package $package -NugetCredential $fakeCredential -MicroserviceTierPresent
It "Is going to web tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToWebTier | Should -BeTrue
It "Is not going to app tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToAppTier | Should -BeFalse
It "Is not going to mic tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToMicTier | Should -BeFalse
It "Is classified 'HasAlkamiManifest'" {
$classifiedPackage.HasAlkamiManifest | Should -BeTrue
It "Is not classified 'IsMicroservice'" {
$classifiedPackage.IsMicroservice | Should -BeFalse
It "Is not a dbms service" {
# because our fake service doesn't have a serviceManifest definition, much less declares that it needs dbms access
$classifiedPackage.IsDbms | Should -BeFalse
It "Is not IsSDK" {
$classifiedPackage.IsSDK | Should -BeFalse
Context -Name "OrbHotfix with NO serverTier" {
$hotfixPackage = @{
Feed = @{
Source = ""
IsSdk = $false
Name = 'FakeHotfixPackage'
Version = '999.999.999'
Mock -CommandName Get-PackageAlkamiManifestV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {
return @{
general = @{
element = 'HotfixDooDad';
componentType = 'Hotfix'
hotfixManifest = @{
targetVersion = "ORB.VERSION"
$classifiedPackage = Get-PackageMetadataV2 -Package $hotfixPackage -NugetCredential $fakeCredential -MicroserviceTierPresent
It "Is going to web tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToWebTier | Should -BeTrue
It "Is going to app tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToAppTier | Should -BeTrue
It "Is going to mic tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToMicTier | Should -BeTrue
It "Is classified 'HasAlkamiManifest'" {
$classifiedPackage.HasAlkamiManifest | Should -BeTrue
It "Is classified 'IsHotfix'" {
$classifiedPackage.IsHotfix | Should -BeTrue
Context -Name "OrbHotfix with EMPTY STRING serverTier" {
$hotfixPackage = @{
Feed = @{
Source = ""
IsSdk = $false
Name = 'FakeHotfixPackage'
Version = '999.999.999'
Mock -CommandName Get-PackageAlkamiManifestV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {
return @{
general = @{
element = 'HotfixDooDad';
componentType = 'Hotfix'
hotfixManifest = @{
targetVersion = "ORB.VERSION";
serverTier = ""
$classifiedPackage = Get-PackageMetadataV2 -Package $hotfixPackage -NugetCredential $fakeCredential -MicroserviceTierPresent
It "Is going to web tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToWebTier | Should -BeTrue
It "Is going to app tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToAppTier | Should -BeTrue
It "Is going to mic tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToMicTier | Should -BeTrue
It "Is classified 'HasAlkamiManifest'" {
$classifiedPackage.HasAlkamiManifest | Should -BeTrue
It "Is classified 'IsHotfix'" {
$classifiedPackage.IsHotfix | Should -BeTrue
Context -Name "OrbHotfix with APP serverTier" {
$hotfixPackage = @{
Feed = @{
Source = ""
IsSdk = $false
Name = 'FakeHotfixPackage'
Version = '999.999.999'
Mock -CommandName Get-PackageAlkamiManifestV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {
return @{
general = @{
element = 'HotfixDooDad';
componentType = 'Hotfix'
hotfixManifest = @{
targetVersion = "ORB.VERSION";
serverTier = "APP"
$classifiedPackage = Get-PackageMetadataV2 -Package $hotfixPackage -NugetCredential $fakeCredential -MicroserviceTierPresent
It "Is NOT going to WEB tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToWebTier | Should -BeFalse
It "Is going to APP tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToAppTier | Should -BeTrue
It "Is going to MIC tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToMicTier | Should -BeTrue
It "Is classified 'HasAlkamiManifest'" {
$classifiedPackage.HasAlkamiManifest | Should -BeTrue
It "Is classified 'IsHotfix'" {
$classifiedPackage.IsHotfix | Should -BeTrue
Context -Name "OrbHotfix with WEB serverTier" {
$hotfixPackage = @{
Feed = @{
Source = ""
IsSdk = $false
Name = 'FakeHotfixPackage'
Version = '999.999.999'
Mock -CommandName Get-PackageAlkamiManifestV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {
return @{
general = @{
element = 'HotfixDooDad';
componentType = 'Hotfix'
hotfixManifest = @{
targetVersion = "ORB.VERSION";
serverTier = "WEB"
$classifiedPackage = Get-PackageMetadataV2 -Package $hotfixPackage -NugetCredential $fakeCredential -MicroserviceTierPresent
It "Is going to WEB tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToWebTier | Should -BeTrue
It "Is NOT going to APP tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToAppTier | Should -BeFalse
It "Is NOT going to MIC tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToMicTier | Should -BeFalse
It "Is classified 'HasAlkamiManifest'" {
$classifiedPackage.HasAlkamiManifest | Should -BeTrue
It "Is classified 'IsHotfix'" {
$classifiedPackage.IsHotfix | Should -BeTrue
Context -Name "OrbHotfix with ALL serverTier" {
$hotfixPackage = @{
Feed = @{
Source = ""
IsSdk = $false
Name = 'FakeHotfixPackage'
Version = '999.999.999'
Mock -CommandName Get-PackageAlkamiManifestV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {
return @{
general = @{
element = 'HotfixDooDad';
componentType = 'Hotfix'
hotfixManifest = @{
targetVersion = "ORB.VERSION";
serverTier = "ALL"
$classifiedPackage = Get-PackageMetadataV2 -Package $hotfixPackage -NugetCredential $fakeCredential -MicroserviceTierPresent
It "Is going to WEB tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToWebTier | Should -BeTrue
It "Is going to APP tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToAppTier | Should -BeTrue
It "Is going to MIC tier" {
$classifiedPackage.InstallToMicTier | Should -BeTrue
It "Is classified 'HasAlkamiManifest'" {
$classifiedPackage.HasAlkamiManifest | Should -BeTrue
It "Is classified 'IsHotfix'" {
$classifiedPackage.IsHotfix | Should -BeTrue
Describe "Json Comparison Tests" {
$packageText = @"
# Installers
Alkami.MicroServices.Choco.Installer.Database 2.4.6
Alkami.MicroServices.Choco.Installer.Logic 2.4.6
Alkami.MicroServices.Choco.Installer.MasterDatabase 2.4.6
Alkami.Installer.Provider 3.0.6
Alkami.Installer.WebExtension 3.0.1
Alkami.Installer.Widget 3.0.2
# Infrastructure
Alkami.MicroServices.Broker.Host 2.8.1
Alkami.Services.Subscriptions.Host 3.9.0
# Providers
Alkami.App.Nag.Providers 1.1.4
Alkami.App.Processor.Wire.FedwireOutput 1.6.0
Alkami.App.Providers.CheckImaging.CorporateOne 1.0.1
Alkami.App.Providers.Multiplexer.Client 1.0.4
Alkami.App.Providers.Radium.BillPay 1.1.0
# Tier 1 Microservices
Alkami.MicroServices.Forms.Service.Host 1.1.1
Alkami.MicroServices.Authorization.Service.Host 1.4.3
Alkami.MicroServices.Security.Service.Host 2.17.2
Alkami.MicroServices.UserInterface.Service.Host 1.17.0
Alkami.MicroServices.Audit.Service.Host 6.11.0
Alkami.MicroServices.Contacts.Service.Host 2.4.8
Alkami.MicroServices.Holidays.Service.Host 2.1.12
Alkami.MicroServices.Images.Service.Host 3.1.14
Alkami.MicroServices.Notifications.Service.Host 1.6.12
Alkami.MicroServices.Settings.Service.Host 4.4.0
Alkami.MicroServices.SiteText.Service.Host 1.1.17
Alkami.MicroServices.Transactions.Service.Host 1.7.1
Alkami.MicroServices.EventManagement.Service.Host 3.4.9
# Tier 2 Microservices
Alkami.MicroServices.QuickApply.Service.Host 9.0.0
Alkami.MicroServices.Registration.Service.Host 2.5.1
Alkami.MicroServices.RemoteDeposit.Service.Host 2.4.1
Alkami.MicroServices.CardManagementProviders.SymConnect.Host 3.7.1
# Powershell Modules
Alkami.Ops.Common 3.0.3
Alkami.PowerShell.Choco 3.5.4
Alkami.PowerShell.Common 3.2.6
DS.AccountService.MS.Service.Host 1.0.9
DS.BranchService.MS.Service.Host 1.0.10
DS.CMN.MS.Service.Host 1.0.8
DS.CopyRequestService.MS.Host 1.0.1
DS.CoreService.MS.Service.Host 2.0.5
DS.EStatements.MS.Service.Host 1.0.7
DS.MarketingEmailService.MS.Host 1.0.7
DS.MicroService.ContentService.Service.Host 2.0.4
DS.SecureMessage.MS.Service.Host 1.0.10
DS.Settings.MS.Service.Host 1.0.8
DS.SkipAPayService.MS.Host 1.0.8
# Symitar
Alkami.MicroServices.AutoBiller.Symitar.Service.Host 2.1.4
Alkami.MicroServices.RDCoreDeposit.Symitar.Service.Host 1.1.3
Alkami.MicroServices.SymConnectMultiplexer.Service.Host 2.1.2
Alkami.Providers.FakeSymitarProvider 1.2.3
# We get the tags from the nuspec which comes from proget. Mocking fake values...
Mock Get-PackageNuspecXmlV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock {
param($Package, $Credential)
$name = $Package.Name
return (New-Object PSObject -Property @{
package = @{
metadata = @{ id = $name
tags = @(
Mock -CommandName Get-PackageFileV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {}
# Strip out the comment lines and parse the packages out into package objects.
$packageText = ($packageText -split "`r`n") | Where-Object { $_ -notlike "*#*"}
$packages = Format-ParseChocoPackages -text $packageText -delimiter " "
$fakeCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('AlkamiFakeUser', (Get-SecureString 'abc123'))
# Attach fake source feeds onto each package, since we don't want to run this test against real nuget feeds.
foreach($package in $packages)
$feedMap = @{
Disabled = $false
IsDefault = $false
IsSdk = $package.Name -like "DS.*" # Mark the desert schools packages as SDK.
Name = if ($package.Name -like "DS.*") {"SDK"} Else {"Alkami"}
Priority = "0"
Source = ""
$package.Feed = New-Object PSObject -Property $feedMap
# Run classification function on all of the packages.
Context "When Generating Packages"{
# Create Test cases. See Get-ChocolateyParameterStrings tests.
$testCases = @()
foreach ($package in $packages){
$testCases += @{
caseDescription = 'Matches Pre-Defined Files'
package = $package
testName = $package.Name
environment = ''
Mock -CommandName Write-Host -MockWith {}
It "<caseDescription> for <testName>" -TestCases $testCases {
# this long magic string is a barebones package folder with no useful contents. Just the basic nuget structure and a choco install file set
Mock Get-PackageFileListV2 -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {return (ConvertFrom-Json ('[{{"fullPath":"package/services/metadata/core-properties/","parentFullPath":"package/services/metadata/","name":"core-properties","isDirectory":true}},{{"fullPath":"package/services/metadata/","parentFullPath":"package/services/","name":"metadata","isDirectory":true}},{{"fullPath":"package/services/","parentFullPath":"package/","name":"services","isDirectory":true}},{{"fullPath":"package/","parentFullPath":"/","name":"package","isDirectory":true}},{{"fullPath":"package/services/metadata/core-properties/629d5521ad934906a0d3c36051d35320.psmdcp","parentFullPath":"package/services/metadata/core-properties/","name":"629d5521ad934906a0d3c36051d35320.psmdcp","isDirectory":false}},{{"fullPath":"lib/net472/","parentFullPath":"lib/","name":"net472","isDirectory":true}},{{"fullPath":"lib/","parentFullPath":"/","name":"lib","isDirectory":true}},{{"fullPath":"_rels/","parentFullPath":"/","name":"_rels","isDirectory":true}},{{"fullPath":"_rels/.rels","parentFullPath":"_rels/","name":".rels","isDirectory":false}},{{"fullPath":"tools/","parentFullPath":"/","name":"tools","isDirectory":true}},{{"fullPath":"tools/chocolateyInstall.ps1","parentFullPath":"tools/","name":"chocolateyInstall.ps1","isDirectory":false}},{{"fullPath":"tools/chocolateyUninstall.ps1","parentFullPath":"tools/","name":"chocolateyUninstall.ps1","isDirectory":false}},{{"fullPath":"[Content_Types].xml","parentFullPath":"/","name":"[Content_Types].xml","isDirectory":false}},{{"fullPath": "{0}.exe.config","parentFullPath": "/","name": "{0}.exe.config","isDirectory": false}}]' -f $package.Name))}.GetNewClosure()
# NR AppName comes from a nuspec. We're arbitrarily deciding that microservices have one and others don't for our tests.
Mock Get-AppSetting -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {
# Microservices have a NR app name
if(($package.Name -like "*.MicroService*.*") -or ($package.Name -like "*.MS.*")){
return "FakeNRAppName"
# Other packages have no NR app name.
else {
return $null
$packageData = Get-PackageMetadataV2 -Package $package -NugetCredential $fakeCredential
$packageJson = ConvertTo-Json $packageData
# Find matching file in .\\TestFiles\PackageObjects\
$jsonFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\TestFiles\PackageObjects
foreach ($file in $jsonFiles) {
if ($file.Name -like "$($package.Name).json" ) {
$fileContents = Get-Content $file.FullName
# Sort the Json Alphabetically
Write-OrderedJson -JsonObject $fileContents -Path "TestDrive:\expected.json"
Write-OrderedJson -JsonObject $packageJson -Path "TestDrive:\results.json"
$expectedContent = Get-Content "TestDrive:\expected.json"
$actualContent = Get-Content "TestDrive:\results.json"
# Debugging a single package can be frustrating without being able to look at it specifically.
# Specifying a specific package name here will run the test for a single package, and give 2 files that you can examine in beyond compare.
# To do so, uncomment this if block and the Copy-Item lines. (You'll get automatic "successes" for other packages as they would no longer run the assert step)
#if($package.Name -eq "Alkami.Installer.Widget"){
#Copy-Item "TestDrive:\Expected.json" ".\Expected.Json"
#Copy-Item "TestDrive:\results.json" ".\results.Json"
# Assert equality.
$actualContent | Should -Be $expectedContent