2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

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function Get-CoalescedStringValue {
Simple null coalesce function for string values. Null, empty, and whitespace strings will return the second provided value
Simple null coalesce function for string values. Null, empty, and whitespace strings will return the second provided value
Value to test for null/empty equivalency. This value is returned it is not equivalent to null, empty, or whitespace only.
Value to return if ValueA is equivalent to null, empty, or whitespace
Similar in function to Test-IsNull, but written to begin moving away from that poorly named and convoluted function, focusing on string values
param (
[string]$ValueA = $null,
$logLead = Get-LogLeadName
$valueAIsNullEmptyOrWhitespace = Test-StringIsNullOrWhitespace -Value $ValueA
if ($valueAIsNullEmptyOrWhitespace) {
$valueBIsNullEmptyOrWhitespace = Test-StringIsNullOrWhitespace -Value $ValueB
if ($valueBIsNullEmptyOrWhitespace) {
$nullValueBWarningMessage = "$logLead : Value B is null, empty, or whitespace. ValueB will be returned; however, assumptions in the calling code should be checked for " + `
"appropriate handling. Note that PowerShell will coerce a null value to an empty string."
Write-Warning $nullValueBWarningMessage
return $ValueB
return $ValueA