2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

93 lines
4.5 KiB

function Install-DeveloperCluster {
Installs Developer Service Fabric Cluster.
Local developer cluster data directory SF executes from
Local developer cluster log directory SF logs to
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseCmdletCorrectly", '', Justification="We know if we are calling the right parameters")]
$dataRoot = "C:\SFDevCluster\Data",
$logRoot = "C:\SFDevCluster\Log"
$clusterConfigFilePath = (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "ServiceFabricConfigTemplates\AlkamiDevClusterConfig.json");
# Import the cluster setup utility module
If(!(Test-RegistryKey "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Service Fabric SDK")) {
Throw "Service Fabric SDK is not installed"
$sdkInstallPath = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Service Fabric SDK').FabricSDKScriptsPath
$modulePath = Join-Path -Path $sdkInstallPath -ChildPath "ClusterSetupUtilities.psm1"
Import-Module $modulePath
Write-Host "Checking to see if a local cluster is installed"
if (IsLocalClusterSetup) {
Write-Host "Cleaning the existing cluster..."
# Stop SharedAccess from interfering with service fabric startup
Write-Host "Prepping Machine Services..."
$internetConnectionSharingService = Get-Service SharedAccess
if ($internetConnectionSharingService -and $internetConnectionSharingService.Status -eq "Running") {
$internetConnectionSharingService | Set-Service -StartupType Disabled
# Start RemoteRegistry as its seemingly needed for service fabric to start up
$remoteRegistryService = Get-Service RemoteRegistry
if ($remoteRegistryService -and $remoteRegistryService.Status -ne "Running") {
$remoteRegistryService | Set-Service -StartupType Automatic
Add-HostsFileContent -contentToAdd ""
if(!(Test-IsAdmin)) {
Throw "Not running as administrator. You need to run PowerShell with administrator privileges to setup the local cluster."
$clusterRoots = SetupDataAndLogRoot -clusterDataRoot $dataRoot -clusterLogRoot $logRoot -jsonFileTemplate $clusterConfigFilePath -isAuto $True
$manifestFileTemplate = ConstructManifestFileTemplate -jsonTemplate $clusterConfigFilePath
$clusterDataRoot = $clusterRoots[0]
$clusterLogRoot = $clusterRoots[1]
Write-Host "Setting up image store..."
$imageStoreConnectionString = SetupImageStore -clusterDataRoot $clusterDataRoot -useImageStoreService $False
Write-Host "Prepping cluster manifest..."
$manifestFile = PrepareClusterManifest $manifestFileTemplate $imageStoreConnectionString "localhost" $False $False
if($clusterRoots[0] -eq $False) {
Throw "Failed to generate ServiceFabric Cluster"
PerformServiceOperationWithWaitforStatus "FabricHostSvc" "Stop-Service" "Stopped" 10 5
try {
New-ServiceFabricNodeConfiguration -ClusterManifest "$manifestFile" -FabricDataRoot "$clusterDataRoot" -FabricLogRoot "$clusterLogRoot" -RunFabricHostServiceAsManual
catch {
Throw "Could not create Node configuration for '$manifestFile'"
Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Service Fabric SDK' -Name LocalClusterNodeCount -Value 1
Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Service Fabric SDK' -Name IsMeshCluster -Value "false"
# Save Connection Parameters in %AppData% for REST based powershell to consume.
Write-Host "Saving connection parameters..."
SaveConnectionParameters -dataRoot $clusterDataRoot -isSecure $False -useMachineName $False
$connParams = Get-AlkamiConnectionParameters
TryConnectToCluster -connParams $connParams -waitTime 240
CheckNamingServiceReady -connParams $connParams -waitTime 120
$outputString = @"
Local Service Fabric Cluster created successfully.
## To connect using Powershell, open an a new powershell window and connect using 'Connect-ServiceFabricCluster' command (without any arguments)."
## To connect using Service Fabric Explorer, run ServiceFabricExplorer and connect using 'Local/OneBox Cluster'."
## To manage using Service Fabric Local Cluster Manager (system tray app), run ServiceFabricLocalClusterManager.exe"
Write-Host $outputString -ForegroundColor Green