2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

60 lines
2.1 KiB

Function Get-BitlockerDriveInformation {
This function only requires that you are a local administrator, and can tell the decryption information for your BitLocker drives (where available).
param (
$logLead = (Get-LogLeadName)
if (!(Test-IsUserLocalAdministrator)) {
Write-Warning "$logLead : You do not appear to be an administrator on this machine. Information can not be retrieved."
Write-Warning "$logLead : Did you mean to run this with elevated privileges?"
if ($null -eq (Get-Command Manage-BDE)) {
Write-Warning "$logLead : No utilities found to manage BitLocker Device Encryption (missing Manage-BDE). Can not continue."
$driveRoots = (Get-LocalHardDriveRoots)
$return = @()
foreach ($root in $driveRoots) {
$text = (Manage-BDE -Protectors $root -Get -Type RecoveryPassword)
$result = @{ DriveLetter = $root; }
$foundBlock = $false
$foundPassword = $false
$foundError = $false
foreach($line in $text) {
if ($line.Trim().StartsWith("Numerical Password:")) {
$foundBlock = $true
} elseif (($foundBlock -eq $true) -and ($line.Trim().StartsWith("Password:"))) {
$foundPassword = $true
} elseif ($foundPassword -eq $true) {
$result.Password = $line.Trim()
$result.Status = "Password Retrieved"
$foundPassword = $false
} elseif ($line.Trim().StartsWith("ERROR:")) {
$foundError = $true
} elseif ($foundError -eq $true) {
$result.Error = $line.Trim()
$result.Status = "Error Occurred"
} else {
Write-Debug "$logLead : Discarded line: $root - $line"
if (([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result.Password)) -and ($foundError -eq $false)) {
$result.Result = $text
$result.Status = "Results indeterminate. Review Result block for more details."
$return += $result
return $return