ps/Modules/Cole.PowerShell.Developer/Scratch/audit radium and nag services.ps1
2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

210 lines
9.2 KiB

$ProfileName = "temp-prod"
Get-CachedInstances -Profile $ProfileName -IncludeDR -App
$stoppedInstancesOverflowApp = Get-CachedInstances -Profile $ProfileName -IncludeDR -App | Where-Object { ($_.Tags."alk:overflow" -eq $true) -and ($_.CaptureState.Value -eq 'Stopped') }
$runningInstancesOverflowApp = Get-CachedInstances -Profile $ProfileName -IncludeDR -App | Where-Object { ($_.Tags."alk:overflow" -eq $true) -and ($_.CaptureState.Value -eq 'Running') }
$stoppedInstancesNotOverflowApp = Get-CachedInstances -Profile $ProfileName -IncludeDR -App | Where-Object { ($_.Tags."alk:overflow" -ne $true) -and ($_.CaptureState.Value -eq 'Stopped') }
$runningInstancesNotOverflowApp = Get-CachedInstances -Profile $ProfileName -IncludeDR -App | Where-Object { ($_.Tags."alk:overflow" -ne $true) -and ($_.CaptureState.Value -eq 'Running') }
if (($stoppedInstancesOverflowApp.Count + $stoppedInstancesNotOverflowApp.Count + $runningInstancesOverflowApp.Count + $runningInstancesNotOverflowApp.Count) -ne ((Get-CachedInstances -Profile temp-prod -IncludeDR -App).Count)) {
throw "the server counts don't match"
$runningInstancesNotOverflowApp = $runningInstancesNotOverflowApp.Where({ $_.Hostname -notmatch 'view' })
$stoppedOverflowProcessed = Get-Content -Path Z:\stuff\stoppedOverflow.txt | ConvertFrom-Json
$stoppedNotOverflowProcessed = Get-Content -Path Z:\stuff\stoppedNotOverflow.txt | ConvertFrom-Json
$runningInstancesNotOverflowProcessed = Get-Content -Path Z:\stuff\runningNotOverflow.txt | ConvertFrom-Json
$runningInstancesOverflowProcessed = Get-Content -Path Z:\stuff\runningOverflow.txt | ConvertFrom-Json
$processed = $stoppedOverflowProcessed
$processed += $stoppedNotOverflowProcessed
$processed += $runningInstancesNotOverflowProcessed
$processed += $runningInstancesOverflowProcessed
$stoppedInstancesOverflowApp = $stoppedInstancesOverflowApp | Where-Object { $_.Hostname -notin $processed}
$runningInstancesOverflowApp = $runningInstancesOverflowApp | Where-Object { $_.Hostname -notin $processed }
$stoppedInstancesNotOverflowApp = $stoppedInstancesNotOverflowApp | Where-Object { $_.Hostname -notin $processed }
$runningInstancesNotOverflowApp = $runningInstancesNotOverflowApp | Where-Object { $_.Hostname -notin $processed }
throw 'no'
Start-Transcript -Path Z:\stuff\transcript.txt -Append
# $stoppedInstancesOverflowApp
# $stoppedInstancesNotOverflowApp
# $runningInstancesOverflowApp
# $runningInstancesNotOverflowApp
# process for offline servers:
# start the server
# Sleep one minute
# Check to see if it is online by Get-Services
# If it is still not online, sleep again till we get services
# Now that it is online, report the nag service name, radium service name, hostname, "not overflow"
# Turn the server back off again
Write-Host "`n`tStarting overflow app servers`n"
$stoppedInstancesOverflowServices = @()
foreach ($instance in $stoppedInstancesOverflowApp) {
if (Test-StringIsNullOrEmpty $instance.Hostname) {
Write-Warning "$($instance.InstanceID) did not have a hostname - This will confuse restarts"
if ($instance.LiveState -ne 'Stopped') {
Write-Warning "$($instance.InstanceID) was not stopped but should have been based on capture state. Will not action this instance."
# start the server
Write-Host "Starting instance [$($instance.InstanceID)]"
Start-EC2Instance -InstanceId $instance.InstanceID -Region $instance.Region -ProfileName $ProfileName
try {
$testService = $null
while ($null -eq $testService) {
# Sleep one minute
# Check to see if it is online by Get-Services
# If it is still not online, sleep again till we get services
Write-Host "Sleeping for 60s"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
$testService = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $instance.Hostname -ScriptBlock { (Get-Service)[0] } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "Got a service back on [$($instance.InstanceID)]"
# Now that it is online, report the nag service name, radium service name, hostname, "overflow"
$serviceInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $instance.Hostname -ScriptBlock {
return @{
Hostname = (Get-FullyQualifiedServerName)
NagServiceName = (Get-ServiceInfoByCIMFragment "C:\Orb\Nag").Name
RadiumServiceName = (Get-ServiceInfoByCIMFragment "C:\Orb\Radium").Name
Indicator = "stopped overflow"
$stoppedInstancesOverflowServices += $serviceInfo
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message
Write-Host "Instance failed on data collection, will proceed to shutdown process"
try {
# Turn the server back off again
Write-Host "Stopping instance [$($instance.InstanceID)]"
Stop-Computer -ComputerName $instance.Hostname
} catch {
try {
Write-Host "Stopping instance [$($instance.InstanceID)]"
Stop-Computer -ComputerName $instance.Hostname
} catch {
Write-Host "Stop-Computer -ComputerName $($instance.Hostname)"
Write-Host "----------"
Write-Host ""
ConvertTo-Json $stoppedInstancesOverflowServices -Depth 10 | Set-Content -Path Z:\stuff\stoppedOverflow.txt
Write-Host "`n`tStarting not-overflow app servers`n"
$stoppedInstancesNotOverflowServices = @()
foreach ($instance in $stoppedInstancesNotOverflowApp) {
if (Test-StringIsNullOrEmpty $instance.Hostname) {
Write-Warning "$($instance.InstanceID) did not have a hostname - This will confuse restarts"
if ($instance.LiveState -ne 'Stopped') {
Write-Warning "$($instance.InstanceID) was not stopped but should have been based on capture state. Will not action this instance."
# start the server
Write-Host "Starting instance [$($instance.InstanceID)]"
Start-EC2Instance -InstanceId $instance.InstanceID -Region $instance.Region -ProfileName $ProfileName
try {
$testService = $null
while ($null -eq $testService) {
# Sleep one minute
# Check to see if it is online by Get-Services
# If it is still not online, sleep again till we get services
Write-Host "Sleeping for 60s"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
$testService = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $instance.Hostname -ScriptBlock { (Get-Service)[0] } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "Got a service back on [$($instance.InstanceID)]"
# Now that it is online, report the nag service name, radium service name, hostname, "overflow"
$serviceInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $instance.Hostname -ScriptBlock {
return @{
Hostname = (Get-FullyQualifiedServerName)
NagServiceName = (Get-ServiceInfoByCIMFragment "C:\Orb\Nag").Name
RadiumServiceName = (Get-ServiceInfoByCIMFragment "C:\Orb\Radium").Name
Indicator = "stopped overflow"
$stoppedInstancesNotOverflowServices += $serviceInfo
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message
Write-Host "Instance failed on data collection, will proceed to shutdown process"
try {
# Turn the server back off again
Write-Host "Stopping instance [$($instance.InstanceID)]"
Stop-Computer -ComputerName $instance.Hostname
} catch {
try {
Write-Host "Stopping instance [$($instance.InstanceID)]"
Stop-Computer -ComputerName $instance.Hostname
} catch {
Write-Host "Stop-Computer -ComputerName $($instance.Hostname)"
Write-Host "----------"
Write-Host ""
ConvertTo-Json $stoppedInstancesNotOverflowServices -Depth 10 | Set-Content -Path Z:\stuff\stoppedNotOverflow.txt
Write-Host "`n`tGathering overflow app servers`n"
# $runningInstancesOverflowServices = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $runningInstancesOverflowApp.Hostname -ScriptBlock {
# return @{
# Hostname = (Get-FullyQualifiedServerName)
# NagServiceName = (Get-ServiceInfoByCIMFragment "C:\Orb\Nag").Name
# RadiumServiceName = (Get-ServiceInfoByCIMFragment "C:\Orb\Radium").Name
# Indicator = "running overflow"
# }
# }
# ConvertTo-Json $runningInstancesOverflowServices -Depth 10 | Set-Content -Path Z:\stuff\runningOverflow.txt
# Write-Host "`n`tGathering not-overflow app servers`n"
# $runningInstancesNonOverflowServices = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $runningInstancesNotOverflowApp.Hostname -ScriptBlock {
# return @{
# Hostname = (Get-FullyQualifiedServerName)
# NagServiceName = (Get-ServiceInfoByCIMFragment "C:\Orb\Nag").Name
# RadiumServiceName = (Get-ServiceInfoByCIMFragment "C:\Orb\Radium").Name
# Indicator = "running -not overflow"
# }
# }
# ConvertTo-Json $runningInstancesNonOverflowServices -Depth 10 | Set-Content -Path Z:\stuff\runningNotOverflow.txt
$audit = @()
$audit += $stoppedInstancesNotOverflowServices
$audit += $stoppedInstancesOverflowServices
$audit += $runningInstancesNonOverflowServices
$audit += $runningInstancesOverflowServices