2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

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function Get-AwsStandardDynamicParameters {
Returns a RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary with all locally configured AWS Profiles and Alkami-supported Regions
Returns a RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary with all locally configured AWS Profiles and Alkami-supported Regions as DynamicParameters in functions.
.PARAMETER RegionParameterName
The parameter name to set on the Region parameter. Defaults to Region
.PARAMETER RegionParameterSetName
The parameter set to associate the dynamic Region parameter with. Defaults to all parameter sets.
.PARAMETER RegionParameterRequired
Whether or not the Region parameter is mandatory. Defaults to false.
.PARAMETER ProfileParameterName
The parameter name to set on the Profile Name parameter. Defaults to ProfileName
.PARAMETER ProfileParameterSetName
The parameter set to associate the dynamic ProfileName parameter with. Defaults to all parameter sets.
.PARAMETER ProfileParameterRequired
Whether or not the ProfileName parameter is mandatory. Defaults to false.
Key Value
--- -----
Region System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter
Profile System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter
[string]$RegionParameterName = "Region",
[string]$RegionParameterSetName = "__AllParameterSets",
[string]$ProfileParameterName = "ProfileName",
[string]$ProfileParameterSetName = "__AllParameterSets",
$regionDynamicParams = @{
"DynamicParameterName" = $RegionParameterName;
"ParameterSetName" = $RegionParameterSetName;
"IsMandatoryParameter" = $RegionParameterRequired
$regionRuntimeParameter = Get-DynamicAwsRegionParameter @regionDynamicParams
$profileDynamicParams = @{
"DynamicParameterName" = $ProfileParameterName;
"ParameterSetName" = $ProfileParameterSetName;
"IsMandatoryParameter" = $ProfileParameterRequired
$profileRuntimeParameter = Get-DynamicAwsProfilesParameter @profileDynamicParams
# The Dynamic params functions return dictionaries so they can be used independently if needed
# We will add both returned values to a new Dictionary and return it for use by the calling function
$runtimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
$runtimeParameterDictionary.Add($RegionParameterName, $($regionRuntimeParameter.Values[0]))
$runtimeParameterDictionary.Add($ProfileParameterName, $($profileRuntimeParameter.Values[0]))
return $runtimeParameterDictionary