2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

107 lines
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function Get-AppSettingPrivateXml {
Returns an appSetting value from the specified file content
Returns an appSetting value from the specified file content
[string] The name of the key to get the value from, if it exists.
.PARAMETER FileContent
[xml] The file content to parse
.PARAMETER SuppressWarnings
[switch] Suppress warnings about keys not found
Can return $null if key not found
param (
$logLead = (Get-LogLeadName)
## Beware of the case of more than one appSettings element in case we run into issues, le sigh
## Let's go ahead and let the person reading the logs know that there were more than one section
$appSettingsCollection = @($FileContent.SelectNodes('//appSettings'))
if ($appSettingsCollection.Count -gt 1) {
Write-Warning "$logLead : More than one appSettings section found to manipulate in [$FilePath]"
foreach($appSettingElement in $appSettingsCollection) {
$fullPath = $appSettingElement.Name
$parentElement = $appSettingElement.ParentNode
while ($null -ne $parentElement) {
if($parentElement.Path) {
$fullPath = $parentElement.Name + '[path=' + $parentElement.Path + ']/' + $fullPath
} else {
$fullPath = $parentElement.Name + '/' + $fullPath
$parentElement = $parentElement.ParentNode
Write-Host "Too many appSettings: $fullPath"
if ($appSettingsCollection.Count -eq 0) {
## We don't have an appSettings element to work with
## Announce that, then return $null
Write-Warning "$logLead : Could not find an appSettings element at all in [$FilePath]. Returning `$null"
return $null
## Now that we have at least one location for settings, let's go see if we have an existing value
$existingSettingValuesByKey = @($FileContent.configuration.SelectNodes("//appSettings/add[@key='$Key']"))
## Crap, we found more than one element with the same key.
## We can't resolve this, but honestly the system can't work with it this way either
## Something will absolutely break, make sure that's logged
## At the very least, let's give something for the app to work with, I guess
if ($existingSettingValuesByKey.length -gt 1) {
Write-Error "Found too many nodes with the same Key value in [$FilePath]!!"
foreach($appSettingElement in $existingSettingValuesByKey) {
$fullPath = $appSettingElement.Name
$parentElement = $appSettingElement.ParentNode
while ($null -ne $parentElement) {
if($parentElement.Path) {
$fullPath = $parentElement.Name + '[path=' + $parentElement.Path + ']/' + $fullPath
} else {
$fullPath = $parentElement.Name + '/' + $fullPath
$parentElement = $parentElement.ParentNode
Write-Host "Too many nodes: $fullPath"
## Return the last value found as it is the most general setting.
## Honestly we should have a hard-break here because this should be resolved
Write-Warning "$logLead : Returning the last found value. Fingers crossed."
return $existingSettingValuesByKey[-1].Value
## Now we either have a value in $existingSettingValuesByKey or we don't
## If we have one, we return that value, else return $null
if ($existingSettingValuesByKey.length -eq 0) {
## We don't have a value
if ($SuppressWarnings) {
Write-Verbose "$logLead : Could not find appSetting key '$Key'."
} else {
Write-Warning "$logLead : Could not find appSetting key '$Key'."
return $null
} else {
## We have the key and there's only one in the collection!
return @($existingSettingValuesByKey)[0].Value