2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

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function Test-ShouldInstallExceptionService {
Check to see if we should install the ExceptionService based on the file version of ORB installed
$logLead = (Get-LogLeadName)
# ex: 2020.2.0.53
$version = [System.Version](Get-OrbVersion)
$eolVersion = [System.Version]'2020.5' #2020.5.0.0 > 2020.5
if ($null -eq $version) {
throw "$logLead : ORB Version not found, can not continue. Ensure ORB was deployed to the server before this was called."
# ([System.Version]'2020.5.0.1').CompareTo([system.Version]'2020.5.0.0') => 1
# Return value Meaning
# Less than zero The current Version object is a version before value.
# Zero The current Version object is the same version as value.
# Greater than zero The current Version object is a version subsequent to value, or value is null.
if ($version.CompareTo($eolVersion) -ge 0) {
return $false
return $true