2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

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function Update-DeveloperModules {
Used to update developers modules in a consistent manner.
Useful for reducing manual module management by developers.
This function does not look for advanced modules to be downloaded, it only updates local modules.
param (
$logLead = (Get-LogLeadName)
# Get all modules with SREModule AlkamiManifeset componentTypes
$lookInFolder = (Get-ChocolateyInstallPath)
$allFilePaths = @()
$moduleNames = @()
foreach ($filename in (Get-ValidPackageManifestFilenames)) {
$findPath = (Join-Path (Join-Path $lookInFolder 'lib') $filename)
$allFilePaths += @((Get-ChildItem $findPath -Recurse).FullName)
foreach($filepath in $allFilePaths) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($filepath)) {
$packageManifest = (Get-PackageManifest -Path $filepath)
if (($packageManifest.general.componentType -eq 'SREModule') -or ($packageManifest.general.componentType -eq 'Installer')) {
$moduleNames += (Get-ChocoPackageFromPath -Path $filepath)
if ($moduleNames.Count -gt 0) {
$arguments = @('upgrade','--no-progress','--confirm')
$arguments += $moduleNames
$chocoPath = (Join-Path (Join-Path $lookInFolder 'bin') 'choco.exe')
Write-Host "$logLead : $chocoPath @($arguments -join ' ')"
Invoke-CallOperatorWithPathAndParameters -Path $chocoPath -Arguments $arguments
Get-Module Alkami* | Remove-Module -Force
} else {
Write-Warning "$logLead : Could not find any packages under [$lookInFolder]. Have you upgraded to the latest modules before running this command?"
Write-Host "$logLead : Use this command string to update your modules to some variant of the latest, but this may be out of date`n`nchoco update Alkami.PowerShell.AD Alkami.PowerShell.Choco Alkami.PowerShell.Common Alkami.PowerShell.Configuration Alkami.PowerShell.Database Alkami.PowerShell.IIS Alkami.PowerShell.ServerManagement Alkami.PowerShell.ServiceFabric Alkami.PowerShell.Services Alkami.Installer.Provider Alkami.Installer.WebExtension Alkami.Installer.Widget Alkami.Installer.WebApplication Alkami.Installer.Services Alkami.Installer.WebSite -y`n`nIn the future this function should work for what you want."
try {
if ((Get-ADDomain -ErrorAction Ignore).Forest -eq '') {
if ((choco list carbon -lo) -match 'carbon' ) {
choco uninstall carbon -fy
Write-Warning " =========="
Write-Warning " ATTENTION"
Write-Warning " =========="
Write-Warning "Sorry folks, carbon is deterimental to the Alkami environment and we are asking all devs to remove it"
Write-Warning "It will now be uninstalled from your machine. If you have a need for it, please reach out to @cicd in #eng-crossfire"
Write-Warning "We want to help everyone, so if we can help with a task Carbon previously did, we want to make things better."
Write-Warning ""
Write-Warning "If you don't know why you had carbon installed, you can ignore this message"
} catch { <# purposefully ignore this #>}